About Me

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i'm just a simple women.like to laughing,..happy go lucky,love my family much n much~~~

Saturday, February 26, 2011


o my gosh...i'm alone in my room rite now...my friends already go back home.....i pretend to be a brave person...but my brother told me about something that i don't want to hear...really hate that.....but never mind...just be myself and always think +ve...i know god always be with me....GOD BLESS ME .........

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Advantages online shopping

  • Convenient
    Convenience includes the overall ease of finding a product, time spent on shopping, minimization of overall shoppoing effort (Schaupp & Belanger, 2005). Online shopping allows consumers to shop at the convenience of their own home, and to save traveling time to retail stores and spend their time on other important tasks and hobbies. Researchers idenfity convenience as a 'fundamental objective' related to online shopping (Schaupp & Belanger, 2005). This is relevant to 72% of online shoppers' claim that they would rather surf online than go to retail store to attain information about a product (Lokken et al., 2003). According to a study, 72% of online shoppers chose convenience over privacy (Bhatnagar, Misra, & Rao, 2000). In addition to ease of finding products online and shopping time reduction, consumers can shop without time limitation with 24-hr access at their convenience because the World Wide Web never closees. Lokken mentions 24-hr access as a beneficial characteristic of online shopping (Lokken et al., 2003). Also, consumers can exchange information online through chatting and discussion forums to help them make wise consumer decisions.
  • No need for vendors and no pressure to buy
    Online shopping benefits both the society as a whole and individuals. The society can save human resources when consumers help themselves by browsing freely online instead of asking for assistance from vendors. In addition, consumers are freed from the pressure to buy from the vendors and can spend more time to make wise purchase decisions. But it is imorpant that Web sites have good product descriptions because it is one of the significant condition that satisfy consumers (Limayem, M., Khalifa, M., & Frini, A., 2000).
  • "Infinite shelfspace" available
    Consumers desire a variety of products because they look for the right product that will fully satisfy them. There is infinite variety of products available online because online shopping allows consumers to browse through products that are made all around the world without geographical boundaries.
  • Able to compare product price and features
    With the online tools that enable product comparison, consumers can compare product prices and features to make a better decision with less effort. More details are included in 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

what is online shopping??

  Online shopping is the process whereby consumer directly by goods or services from a seller in real time, without an intermediary service,over the internet. if an intermediary service is present the process called electronic commerce.
   An on9 shop,eshop,e-store,interne shop,webshop,webstore,on9 store/virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products/services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer/in a shopping mail.The process is called Business-to-consumer(B2C) on9 shopping,when a business buys from another business it is called Business-to-consumer(B2B) on9 shopping both B2C&B2B on9 shopping are forms of  e-commerce.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

save our earth...



This is my first time create blog..o my gosh..hahaha..it's so hard to create blog,but nevermind..now, i'm posting my 1st comment..n i want to say haiii???? blogger hehehe..nice to meet you^^